The Festival towns

Nova Gorica

Nova Gorica, modernity punctuated with tradition

Nova Gorica, in Italian “Nuova Gorizia”, is on the Italian-Slovene border. Gorizia and Nova Gorica, formerly separated by the Italian-Yugoslav border, first, and then by the Italian-Slovenian border, have been united since 21 December 2007. Built from scratch after the war, it is very different from its “twin” Gorizia. Its centre was born from a […]


Gorizia: the garden city of Mitteleuropa

With its many parks and gardens, until the First World War Gorizia was a cosmopolitan city where Italian, Friulian, Slovenian and German were spoken. Its historical centre is a perfect example of this cultural variety and features a rich mixture of architectural styles, ranging from Gothic to Baroque, Neoclassical to Art Nouveau. Today, it is […]


Grado: the pearl of the Adriatic between sea, art and nature

A small pearl of the Adriatic Sea, also known as the “Island of the Sun”, Grado is known as an ideal holiday resort for families, thanks to its fine sandy beaches, its people-friendly facilities and its many entertainment activities for young and old visitors.