Vitéz László

The Hungarian actor and puppeteer Zsombor Barna takes up the character of László Vitéz, puppet made famous by Henrik Kemény, latest heir of a historical and important family of puppeteers. His approach is new, but the interpretation is faithful to the tradition.

In the play, László is given an important task by his much loved granny: time has come to find himself a wife. A mission that turns out to be more complex than he initially expected. Along the way he will encounter a number of extravagant characters, like a wet pike or a dog and a tomato, and will have to face unforeseen odds, which he will go through, as always, thanks to his traditional crepe pan.

Enrik Kemeny performed at Alpe Adria Puppet Festival’s first edition, 33 years ago. Exceptional puppeteer, very skilled in spinning vortically László’s crepe pan on his enemies’ heads. Zsombor’s performance at the festival is the testimony of a young artist’s will to honour his past and his roots, while keeping an original and unique approach.
