Imagine a road dotted with various objects, abandoned or randomly put there. From this set begins an imaginary journey, during which children are guided by an “a cappella” chant of the singer, and actress for the occasion, Adriana Vasques.

An imaginary journey that children will make between a “here” and a “there”. Along the way, children will discover that if “here” is all here, so much so that you can touch it, “there” instead suggests much more than a simple spacial indication: it refers to an “elsewhere”, a place we know the existence of, but we can’t really see. 

As the objects on stage will come alive one by one to tell little stories, or to compose or suggest images that are part of our lives but we might have failed to notice. Cues to reflect on the life around us.

The road describes better than any other metaphor our life path, in a captivating and engaging way. Testimony of how a thin thread always connects here to there, where to elsewhere. A play aimed to inspire the youngest children towards a reflection on how rich and diverse the world around us is… it’s just a question of observing it carefully.
